Monday, November 18, 2013

I agree with the main point of Silvia Trejo's post about abortion laws in Texas in that the recently passed abortion bill has set back our rights as women by making abortion more difficult to obtain in Texas. I also believe that there are a few ways in which Ms.Trejo could have made her argument stronger. She could have touched on the fact that closing down abortion clinics puts women's lives in danger. There will still be women getting abortions whether it's legal or not, safe or not. There will be an increase in illegal, unsafe abortions. This bill will make women who can't get a legal safe abortion, turn to other, possibly dangerous alternatives. Another topic she could have discussed was the hypocrisy of the pro-life movement. Most "pro-lifers" are all for making women carry their babies to term, but they are generally unconcerned about the fate of the baby once it is born. Other then that I believe Ms.Trejo's argument and anger to be quite justified, she just needed cover more of the effects of women and children in response to the Texas laws concerning abortion.

1 comment:

Silvia Trejo said...
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